Bewafa Poetry
You are able to read Bewafa Poetry In Urdu. If you are trying to find best collection of Bewafa Poetry In Urdu it means, Yes, You are at the right place. In this site you can read a long list of Bewafa Poetry In Urdu with text and images. You can also download images from our site with high quality resolution. Our site also have a vast collection of all poetry. All the poetry that are available in our site is able to download and you can also copy poetry’s text.
ktni ratain kat gayin, ktny din beet gay
کتنی راتیں کٹ گئیں، کتنے دن بیت گئے بس نہیں بیتا تو یادوں کا وہ پل، گزرا ہوا وہ کل نہیں بیتی تو آنکھوں کی نمی اور تیری کمیktni ratain kat gayin, ktny din beet gaybus nahi beta to yado ka wo pal, gzra howa woh kalnhei betin to aankhon ki nami or teri kmi jamesgreShare is Caring 💞: