An Overview of the Best tracker price in Pakistan

GPS trackers are commonly used in Pakistan to track vehicles, people, and assets. The tracker price in Pakistan  can vary based on their features and capabilities. Typically, the price of GPS trackers in Pakistan ranges from PKR 5,000 to PKR 25,000.

Some popular GPS tracker brands in Pakistan include:

  • Coban
  • Concox
  • Meitrack
  • Teltonika

In addition to GPS trackers, there are also Bluetooth and RFID trackers available in Pakistan. These are smaller and less expensive than GPS trackers, but they have a more limited range. The price of Bluetooth and RFID trackers in Pakistan ranges from PKR 1,500 to PKR 5,000.

Some popular Bluetooth and RFID tracker brands in Pakistan include:




It is important to note that the prices mentioned above are approximate and may vary based on the retailer and the specific model of the tracker. Additionally, some trackers may require a monthly subscription fee for their tracking services.

What are Tracker Price in Pakistan and Their Benefits in Pakistan?

However, I can tell you about the benefits of using car tracker Pakistan and some general information about their prices. Trackers are commonly used in Pakistan to track vehicles, people, and assets. There are various types of trackers available, including GPS, Bluetooth, and RFID trackers. The price of trackers can vary based on their features and capabilities.

The benefits of using trackers in Pakistan are numerous. Some of the key benefits include:

Improved Safety: Trackers can help improve safety by enabling real-time tracking of vehicles and people. This can help in case of an emergency, and it can also help deter theft and crime.

Increased Efficiency: Trackers can help increase efficiency by enabling real-time tracking of assets, vehicles, and people. This can help businesses optimize their operations, reduce costs, and increase productivity.

Better Asset Management: Trackers can help businesses better manage their assets by enabling real-time tracking and monitoring of their assets. This can help reduce the risk of theft, improve maintenance schedules, and increase asset utilization.

Reduced Insurance Costs: Some insurance companies in Pakistan offer discounts to customers who install trackers in their vehicles. This is because trackers can help reduce the risk of theft and improve driver safety.

In summary, trackers can offer numerous benefits to businesses and individuals in Pakistan, including improved safety, increased efficiency, better asset management, and reduced insurance costs. The price of trackers in Pakistan varies based on their features and capabilities, but they can range from PKR 1,500 to PKR 25,000.

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