7 Things To Know About Renting to Tenants With Kids

7 Things To Know About Renting to Tenants With Kids

Renting out property is very lucrative. If you as a property owner have never considered renting out your property, it is high time that you did, rather than leave the property lying around to incur maintenance costs without using such property.

Well, as a landlord, you may be sentimental when the idea of renting your property turning it into apartments for rent in Fort wayne to families with kids is thrown into the mix due to reasons bordering on noise-making and causing property damage.As valid as these reasons are, they are not legal.

So, rather than deny prospective customers the right to rent, it will be beneficial to familiarize yourself with facts about renting to tenants with kids because encountering such customers is inevitable.

7 Things To Know About Renting to Occupants With Kids

Children Are Exempted From The Occupancy Limit

Occupancy limit varies from place to place, but one peculiarity they all share is that only a maximum of two people are allowed to share a bedroom. However, this rule does not extend to kids, in fact, children under one year are not regarded as an occupant. For this reason, you as a landlord can only regulate the number of adult occupants and not the number of children.

Also, if the rooms are spacious, tenants can have additions on the ground that the room is comfortable enough.

Fit-in Protective Features For Kids

As soon as you know that your tenants have kids, you should be concerned with their welfare. Making child-friendly changes and modifications to the property will ensure the safety of the children, put the mind of the parents at rest, and avoid liabilities on the part of the property owner.

It is not possible to keep an eye on kids 24/7 given that they enjoy strutting around, putting protective measures in place will stop them from walking into danger and guarantee their safety. The protective measures include the thoughtful act of covering electrical outlets, erecting balcony railings, fencing out the pool area from the rest of the building, etc.

Adhere Strictly To Federal Fair Housing Act and Other Local Laws

Whatever you do as a landlord, you must do all you can to make sure you don’t violate the provision of the Federal Fair Housing Act, likewise other municipal laws on renting. The Act makes provision for familial status under which tenants’ rights with kids fall. The Act outrightly prohibits property owners from refusing rent to people with children under the age of 18, and any landlord found wanting could face legal action.

Therefore, if a landlord finds it difficult to stay within the provision of the law, such a landlord could employ the services of a property management company. The core responsibilities of a property management company are that they specialize in marketing rentals and interview prospective customers while they comply with rental laws. You don’t need to be bothered about your insufficient knowledge of rental laws; they got you covered on that.

You Should Add Anti-noise Features

One of the elements fueling up your sentiments against renting your property to families with kids is noise-making, and by now, you are aware that it is illegal to deny rent to such families. Don’t you think it would be wise to fit-in noise mitigating features? When you install these features, it will save you from constant complaints from other tenants. You should most importantly consider the installation of a soundproofing wall; also consider using a carpet instead of tiles for the apartment with children; these two options will keep the noise in check.

You Can Not Inflate Price

Whatever the rent other occupants paid, that is what those with children should also pay. You are not allowed to inflate the price because they have children. It would be downright unfair to do so. There should be a uniform price for all occupants.

Allow Your Prospective Tenants to Choose

It will be a discriminatory approach to point out or enforce a children-friendly apartment on families with kids; you can only admonish them; the onus is on them to make a choice.

Avoid Making Discriminatory Rules

While it is a brilliant idea to lay down rules on how your property is to be managed, avoid making rules that are only directed at a group of people. Make rules that apply to all residents.


Tenants with children are equally entitled to rent just like those without children. The law has made provisions to cater to their needs, and any landlord that does otherwise would attract the wrath of the law.

Summatively, property owners must know their onions about renting out their property to avoid being culpable; watching out for occupants with kids and avoiding discriminatory acts or utterances are few what you should know.

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