5 Tips On How To Create A Safe Website for Elders

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Website is the most crucial aspect of the online existence of a business. It not only represents your business online but also makes it easier for you to track your progress. We all know how important it is to have our website look appealing to the crowd so that you draw visitors to your business.

A good-looking website definitely draws in a lot of youngsters. But what about the elderly? Most brands miss a significant part of their potential customers, comprising the elderly generation, due to the complex interface of their website. As a new business, one cannot afford to make such a mistake, and therefore in this article, we shall be discussing five ways to create a website for the elderly or that is elderly-friendly.

1. Content:

Content is a major part of the website. The young ones do not mind putting their head into a long piece of content and comprehending it, but the elders might find it difficult. Make sure the fonts you use for the content on your website aren’t too complex. Several websites use complex fonts just to make the website more aesthetic, which often backfires and is quite off-putting for the seniors.

Also, make sure that the fonts on your website are large enough to be read by the naked eye. The elderly might find it hard to zoom in. Another important suggestion would be to break down your content into subheadings and points. Elders might find it very hard to go through a large paragraph. If you break it down, it would be slightly easier for them.

2. SEO:

Search engine optimization is the most important part of a website. It is what brings visibility to your website and improves its existence on online platforms. One must understand that the elderly generation is not very much into searching and browsing. And so if they have to buy a product or a service that would visit just the initial websites that appear on the search results.

If your SEO game isn’t going well, you might miss a lot of your potential customers just because the website wasn’t able to grab a suitable position on the search results. Make sure you get the right SEOs for your website. You may even consider taking help from firms like SEO consulting services that will help you improve your website’s visibility.

3. User Interface:

Your website should be attractive but easy to use. Make it as simple as you can. Senior citizens might lose interest in your website when they find it hard to use or surf. There are several things to keep in mind when you are creating a website. Make sure you use single-click options as much as you can, instead of double click. It makes the website easier for seniors to operate. Also, consider using High contrast colors which are more visible on the screen and are more efficient at guiding the visitors.

4. No jargons:

All the content on your website is meant to communicate with your visitors and you must make sure that it caters equally to visitors of all sections and age groups. If you use jargon and technical terms, it might be hard to comprehend and could be slightly off-putting. Instead, use easier terms that are self-explanatory and if there is an utter need to use jargon, try explaining it in closed parenthesis.

5. Navigation and scrolling:

Navigation is what allows you to guide your visitor to the right pages. Make sure the navigation is clear and easy to understand. Also, the scrolling should not be much. It can get tiring to keep scrolling through a page to get to its conclusion.


To create an elderly-friendly website, make sure your content has simpler fonts and is large so that they are readable. The content should be divided into subheadings. SEO is a major factor. One can take help from companies like Indianapolis SEO company for better visibility. The user interface should be simpler and should have single clicks instead of double clicks. Avoid using jargon and make your content easier to understand. Navigation should be clear and the website shouldn’t have much scrolling.

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